Friday, May 25, 2012

Five Ways to Cut Down on Sugar in Your Diet

It is our best friend, and our worst enemy. Though it may give us a temporary boost, it leaves us low. We all know it is bad for us, but we all want it. It fills our minds when we don't have it, and fills out our pants when we do. What is this mystery friend and foe?

-->> Sugar

Sugar is known for helping us to become fat, raising our triglycerides, causing our insulin levels to get out of whack, giving us cavities, and so much more. However, sugar makes us feel good--for the moment. It is easy to get, and it tastes good. It is no wonder that millions of people all over the world have problems controlling their sugar intake.

There is hope! You can stomp out your sugar problem, and while doing so, you will probably find that you feel better. You may even lose a few unwanted pounds. So, how do you get started. It may be easier than you think.

* Get rid of sodas. Many of us get tons of sugar from the sodas, sweet tea, sweetened coffee, and other sugary drinks. It is best to give these drinks up completely, but if you just feel like you can't, artificially sweetened drinks may be a good alternative.

* Clean out your pantry. If you can't easily find sugary foods, you will be less likely to eat them. A side benefit: you just might have a cleaner pantry when you are done!

* Reach for fruits. Sometimes it seems that we crave that bit of sweetness. Eating fruit can sometimes help us conquer that craving. Choosing a fruit over a candy bar may not be easy, but in the long run you will feel better for doing it.

* Check the labels. Things don't have to taste sweet to have these extra calories lurking. Reading the ingredients can often help you find things like high fructose corn syrup or other hidden sugars before you bring it into your house.

* Don't stop because of a mistake! No one is perfect. You shouldn't expect that you will be. If you eat that candy bar, that is okay. Get back on the horse, and make the right choice next time.

Choosing to remove sugar from your diet is choosing to live a healthier lifestyle. These are just a few suggestions, but they can give you a good start towards the goal of feeling and looking better.

Good luck!

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